by Alan Sackrin | Mar 14, 2023 | FAQs, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls
According to Florida case law, there is no duty to warn or give notice of a dangerous condition to persons who are possessed with knowledge of a dangerous condition: The negligence alleged in this case is the failure to provide a fence, barrier, lights or other...
by Alan Sackrin | Mar 9, 2023 | FAQs, Pain and Suffering
Updated: 5/15/23 Calculating pain and suffering is the most difficult part of a personal injury claim to calculate because there isn’t a marketplace for pain and suffering. It’s a legal term that is used to describe the physical and emotional stress caused...
by Alan Sackrin | Mar 7, 2023 | Defamation, FAQs
According to Florida law, statements of pure opinion cannot constitute actionable defamation: Eastern’s position is that the foregoing statements by Ashlock are statements of opinion, not of fact, and as such cannot form the basis for an action for defamation....
by Alan Sackrin | Mar 7, 2023 | FAQs, Slip and Falls
The first procedural step of filing a slip and fall lawsuit is the preparation of a complaint, which sets forth the details of your case including the facts and circumstances surrounding your accident, the damages or injuries you sustained, your legal claim (i.e.,...
by Alan Sackrin | Mar 3, 2023 | Car Accidents, Damages - Money Awards, Hotel Injuries, Injury, Rear End Accidents, Slip and Falls
Whether or not you need a personal injury lawyer depends on the specific circumstances of your case. If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering, medical...