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Colossus and Xactimate: Did You Know That Insurance Companies Use Software Programs To Decide How Much Your Claim Is Worth?

Last Update: 12/29/16 There are several computer programs out there that insurance companies use to calculate what they will offer you for your claim. The most well known of these insurance claim software packages is called “Colossus,” and if you check around (for...

Florida Hotel Liability: Hurt in a Tribal Hotel, Resort, or Casino on Indian Reservation Land

Last Update: 5/5/23 Florida law protects people who are injured and hurt on property owned or operated by a hotel, motel, resort, spa, or casino (read more about the extent of Florida hotel premises liability law here) — except when it doesn’t. If you are a Florida...

Can Your Florida Insurance Company Demand Examination Under Oath for PIP Benefits After a Florida Car Crash? Yes and No for Florida Auto Accident Claims, Here’s Why.

Last Update: 02/01/16 In Florida, as in other states, the law that applies to car crashes and auto accidents is made not only by the Florida Legislature and federal statute, but also by courts in opinions that are issued from both state and federal benches. This...