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Last Update: 01/13/16

Traffic laws are on the books for several reasons, including preventing car crashes and other traffic accidents where property is damaged and people get hurt or even killed. Drive Florida roads and you have to meet all sorts of traffic regulations, from speed limits to yield signs.

The State of Florida tries to make sure that all Florida drivers know the state’s “rules of the road” by requiring drivers to take tests and get an official license from the state government that confirms that these drivers have passed tests that confirm they understand state traffic regulations.

Driving without a valid Florida Driver’s License is against the law. Getting a Florida Driver’s License means studying the Florida Driver’s Handbook and then taking — and passing — a written test of current Florida traffic laws in a local Florida Driver’s License Office. Making sure that people driving cars, trucks, SUVs, and other motor vehicles here know the Florida “rules of the road” is very important by Florida lawmakers because it’s understood that these laws help keep people safe.

Florida Driver’s Licenses Are Proof That You’ve Been Tested on Florida Traffic Laws

Car Crashes Result From Failing to Follow the Rules of the Road

When a driver ignores, disregards, or forgets to abide by Florida traffic laws, people can get hurt. That’s one very big reason why it is illegal in Florida to fail to follow Florida Traffic Laws. Florida Statute 316.072.

Consider the following Florida traffic laws which when violated, often result in injuries and damage to victims:

1.  At an intersection, a Florida driver is supposed to look both ways for oncoming cars, even when he has the right of way. Florida Statute 316.123

When a driver fails to abide by this law, he risks a serious collision with other vehicles who are traveling through that crossroads. Many accident claims are a result of this simple infraction.

2.  Florida drivers are to come to a full stop at red lights and at stop signs. Florida Statute 316.075

Failing to come to a complete stop at an intersection means that a driver doesn’t get the opportunity to make sure that other vehicles aren’t nearby — as well as motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

3.  Vehicles are to be driven at posted speed limits for several reasons, including making sure that Florida drivers have adequate time to stop for a changing signal light. Florida Statute 316.183

Speed limits are designed to keep traffic moving smoothly as well as keeping drivers from going too fast and risking things like rear-end collisions or crashes into other cars at intersections or in passing lanes. Severe injuries and wrongful deaths often result from people who are violating Florida speed limits and driving too fast.

If You Have Been in a Florida Traffic Accident, Then What?

Fault is a key issue in any traffic accident here in Florida. Putting aside Florida’s PIP (no fault) insurance coverage, all compensation claims for damages based upon a Florida car accident will pivot on who caused the accident (stated another way, who was the negligent driver).

Failing to follow traffic laws is evidence of fault – but it needs to be proven by admissible evidence, which is sometimes very hard to do. Therefore, having a Florida car accident lawyer who is also an experienced trial lawyer to help in assessing your case and presenting your compensation claim, as well as pursuing justice in the form of settlement with the insurance companies or in a lawsuit against those responsible for your accident, can be invaluable (read the 4 things you get when you hire Alan Sackrin).  These can be difficult times, especially if the medical bills are piling up and you are out of work, so don’t wait to long to act.  Sometimes, waiting to see a doctor or filing a claim after a car accident can negatively impact your case.

What Should You Do Now?

A good piece of advice if you have been harmed in an accident, is to at least speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer before you file a claim to learn about some of the issues that can arise with these claims, including the type of evidence needed to prove a claim and the type and amount of damages you can recover. Most personal injury lawyers, like Alan Sackrin, will offer a free initial consultation (over the phone or in person) to answer your questions.



Do you have questions or comments? Then please feel free to send Alan an email or call him now at (954) 458-8655.



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